Mar 23Liked by John Plaice

Thanks! It's easy to see how electrodynamics falls back to electrostatics as in a stationary situation the d/dt of any function is zero. It's amazing that a 19th century physicist could work with 2nd order differential equations.

You write you didn't study physics. Well, I did, yet it didn't help me understand quantum mechanics. You could not pass by reading the books. You could pass by memorizing answers from old exams. The quantum mechanics teachers contradicted eachother over the most basic things and changed their explanations on the fly. As far as I know quantum mechanics has no practical applications. I'm not sure what it is used for.

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Mar 25Liked by John Plaice

You will probably want to give this a read: Something is wrong in the state of QED


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Dave, thanks for the link. Oliver Consa's paper is a real eye-opener into the workings of 20th-century theoretical physics.

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Mar 31Liked by John Plaice

YW, I've been studying the clown show that passes for modern science for some years now.

I'm hopeful that the troubled (and probably stormy) financial waters we are rushing into will help reset things so that scientists will actually practice science, for a change.

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"So Cristiaan Huygens worked with an idea of Descartes, which was that there were different levels of matter, each successively finer."

Yes, and we exist in the densest form of it.

"The second mode then of explaining transparency, and one which appears more probably true, is by saying that the waves of light are carried on in the ethereal matter, which continuously occupies the interstices or pores of transparent bodies. For since it passes through them continuously and freely, it follows that they are always full of it." -Huygens

There is no way to explain what I'm looking for in these ideas without sounding like a new age nut (in spite of knowing this info. is ancient and in the Vedas/Bible/Tao etc. in various forms). Nevertheless, there are specifics needed to explain the nature of the 'jump', also known as the Kundalini or 'formless aspect' of the realities beyond this dense material one (also explaining the metaphysic dream state which anyone can confirm for themselves).

The quoted paragraph explains an experienced state of dissolution whereby consciousness exists only as synchronised but dispersed 'luminous particulates' in the blackness of the ether or plasma, scattered over perhaps the size of a small cloud. The closest explanation I've found so far is akin to 'electromagnetic buoyancy', or electrostatic potential.

"For since it passes through them continuously and freely, it follows that they are always full of it." I know some religious folks who'd say I was full of it... ho-ho.

Great you turned your talk in to posts, very grateful.

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Is consciousness simply something that takes place inside the brain, or more generally the human body? Or does it extend well beyond the space occupied by the visible part of the body? Certainly, when using thermal or electrical instruments, it is easily demonstrated that the influence of the body extends well beyond the visible part.

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Consciousness is non-local but it's really difficult for the western mind to grasp today. I love that there is tech. to prove the ancient wisdom. I've just finished a post on CT scans to prove the existence of a soul's disturbance compromising the health of the body as it happens.

To get into 'where' consciousness is located brings in ancient metaphysics, though by the same token it's current (pun not intended but accurate), because it's simply eternal 'becoming' and 'being'. There's no escaping the reality of it (other than with cheap illusion). We're attached by a sort of invisible electrical 'rope'. The trick is to climb up through the rope (or mental current I suppose) at least halfway under our own steam and we'll be met halfway... Difficult to explain without sounding half-baked.

Some say consciousness is located in the brain, some in the heart, and the heart/brain axis is the 'tree' or vagus nerve (soul) that becomes electrically inflamed during Realisation and love etc..

To my mind, yes, the soul can extend well beyond the physical body. They call the extensions sheaths or koshas, and they can be consciously extended, but purity of mind is key. This is how one can access superior mental states and the so-called Akashic record, or noosphere.

The reason I'm hunting facts from electrically-minded folks is because they are much more likely to understand how the system of metaphysic transposition and Realisation truly functions. Knowledge trumps faith. I've lived it and now have to understand exactly how it worked so others can reproduce the situation with predictable results. It's truly an electrodynamic process, pretty sure one hooks up to the 'eternal mains supply', so to speak, so not for the nervous or delicate. Or heavily ego'd.

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